Across the Divide statement on Swine Flu

Participant safety is paramount to Across the Divide and we are continuing to monitor the situation with regards to swine flu and its potential impact on our overseas events. At the time of writing the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is not advising against travel to any of the countries in which we operate however, should this advice change we will ensure that both charities and participants are kept informed, and will work with you to make suitable alternative arrangements.Please note that some airlines (most notably British Airways and Virgin Atlantic) will prevent passengers from boarding the plane if they are suspected of carrying the swine flu virus, and that medical screening facilities have been introduced at some international airports. Across the Divide strongly recommends that anyone suffering from flu-like symptoms prior to departure contacts the National Pandemic Flu Service (please refer to the website ) for advice.

Please refer to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website for further information regarding swine flu overseas and do not hesitate to contact us on 01460 30456 should you have any further concerns.

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